Being able to laugh and smile can turn a day around. Sometimes life doesn't hand us those moments and we have to seek them out. That's why I'm writing this blog.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Dancing in the Street

I saw this video on a Yahoo article about the worst music videos of all time.  While being one of the worst videos may be up for debate, it IS probably one of the best videos of two corny men displaying that corn for the world to see.  Honestly, it looked like something my dad would tape if he was out there letting loose for the entertainment of his kids.

I laughed so hard at this just for the fact that it IS supposed to be a professional grade music video that at some point was taken somewhat seriously.  Honestly, I don't know how these two didn't bust up laughing during taping.  So, in the words of my nephew, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you.... Mick Jagger and David Bowe in Dancing in the Street

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Kraft Zesty Italian dressing, in its over-the-top commercials that parrot the objectification of women BUT with a man, has made some pretty awesome commercials if you ask me.  I've posted my top three.  There is a fourth but, while funny, I didn't include it because I could see how some might think it went a TAD far into the objectification side.  If you want to see all the commercials search for "Zesty Commercials".

Random but Understandable Breakdown

It was hard to find something to kick off this blog.  I wish I could find something completely AMAZING, but then I'd be setting myself up for failure.  So, without further ado, here's something that made me laugh yesterday and still gave me a good chuckle today.
I loved this commercial because 'sometimes the day just looks at you funny'.  


When I was younger, my dad called me 'Giggle Box' because I'd laugh at everything.  Life has brought out a bit of the cynic in me.  I know that while I still love to laugh, I am also a world class worrier.  So this blog is to help me counter that worry and stress with the laughter I was full of as a child.

My goal is to post once a day with good, CLEAN humor that I've stumbled upon in media, articles, etc.  While I have many ideas already for several posts, I would be remiss if I didn't allow anyone else to present funny content as well.  Please just leave a post.  If the content is clean and good, I will gladly post it for everyone and give credit to the contributor.