Being able to laugh and smile can turn a day around. Sometimes life doesn't hand us those moments and we have to seek them out. That's why I'm writing this blog.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Because Aging has It's Perks

You get a better sense of humor, we hope.  I've had some existential crises this past year as I realize that I'm as old as my dad was when I was born, that the up and coming actors are younger than me, and that mortal life is INDEED very short.  SO with that in mind, I think it only appropriate to combat these somewhat depressing thoughts with some good old humor and laughing.  PLEASE join me in toasting to being in our 30's OR older.

Oh, and because I don't drink, imagine any references to hangovers as the mental shutdown that occurs after staying up WAY to late and to get up at the crack of dawn to exercise or having an all night marathon of dealing with sick kids.

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