Being able to laugh and smile can turn a day around. Sometimes life doesn't hand us those moments and we have to seek them out. That's why I'm writing this blog.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Over the Top

I love the over the top or lost in translation warning labels.  Here are a few (some with pics)

(Note that the patient is a dog and then read the orange blocked text)

It's a little harder to read this but it says- Caution: Consult Plumber before consumption

My son would totally need this warning.  "Jumping into toxic waste does not give you super powers"

Outdated Lake Bonneville Sign?

AND my favorite is one that I do NOT have a picture for BUT I saw it often growing up since it was on a toy gun....

Warning:  Do NOT point at the creature
- YEP, we gotta protect that creature.

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