Being able to laugh and smile can turn a day around. Sometimes life doesn't hand us those moments and we have to seek them out. That's why I'm writing this blog.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Woah Bessie!!

Today's giggles have two contributors.

Joke:  Told to me by a dear college friend, Jill.  I LOVED this joke and still giggle when I think about it.  If it doesn't sound funny to you, then try using a different voice in your head (there's gotta be some voice that makes you giggle whenever you hear it).

Two cows are standing on top of a hill. One cow turns to the other cow and says: "Are you worried about mad cow disease?"

The other cow looks puzzled: "Why? I'm a helicopter."

Video: Recommended by my brother, Taylor.  So if, while driving through cattle country, you ever randomly play a game where you yell out the window, "Hey Cow!" and count how many cows look at you-  you might just win if you blast this over a loud speaker instead.

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