Being able to laugh and smile can turn a day around. Sometimes life doesn't hand us those moments and we have to seek them out. That's why I'm writing this blog.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'd Take the Ticket(s)

- but which ticket?

I love these guys (Key & Peele), unfortunately, I haven't seen much of their stuff because they do swear a lot or the videos are riddled with censor beeps.  I HAVE found two videos with no swearing so here's one.

* FYI:  I tell you about the swearing, because when I see something that makes me laugh, I'll often search for more from that same source,and maybe you do too.  I know that I get offended by too much swearing and that others are more sensitive to it than I am.  So I simply want to warn people BEFORE they do searches and then are surprised when they hear uncensored asterisks etc.

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